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الجمعة، 19 أبريل 2024

Ancient Egyptians Homes


Ancient Egyptians Homes

In the hazy, golden light of dawn, the ancient sands of Egypt whisper tales of grandeur and mystique, adorned with structures that stand as eternal sentinels to a civilization that mastered time itself. These structures, more than mere edifices of stone and mortar, are living chronicles of human ingenuity and ambition, woven into the fabric of history with threads of architectural brilliance.


In this context, we review in this introduction the details of some buildings in ancient Egypt, which pulsate with the spirit of creativity and architectural development of this ancient civilization. We will touch glimpses of people's lives and how they lived around the Nile River, taking advantage of its fresh water and fertile mud to build their homes and family life.


 :In this article, I present information about buildings in ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, many people built houses
near the Nile and used water for drinking, cooking and washing. They cooked, ate, rested and slept in the hot nights with very strong walls.

  The furniture in ancient Egyptian homes was very different from today there were reed mats to sit and sleep on they used papyrus to cover the windows and doors this kept the insects outside in every home there were larg pots and baskets for storing crops and wooden boxes for clothes not many people had beds or chairs


In cities people lived very close together and so they built their houses taller with two floors this saved space so they could build more houses city houses joined together just like today in the countryside houses usually only had one floor and they also had a garden they grew vegetables and kept chickens there


At the end of the article this is a brief about the Houses of the ancient Egyptians and their living

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